为会员提供最好的服务, the Greater San Antonio Chamber always works to be out front on the major issues impacting the business community, including leading in statewide conversations concerning talent development. 我们的教育副总裁 & 员工发展, 凯蒂·费里尔, serves on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Economic and Workforce Council under Harrison Keller, the State’s Commissioner for Higher Education.  

The overarching goal of this Council is to strengthen alignment between higher education and Texas' business community.  Advocates like Katie encourage Texas institutions of higher education to work more closely with Texas businesses to expand opportunities for all Texans to earn credentials of value that offer purpose to our economy and value in the labor market.  Katie attends quarterly meetings with other business organization leaders to provide feedback on the Coordinating Board’s strategic priorities and share information on regional trends, opportunities and needs to influence their efforts. She can provide the unique perspective of San Antonio, as well as gain firsthand knowledge of decision-making by our state leaders.

For the first meeting in 2024, the group heard updates on the implementation of HB 8, legislation passed in the 88th Texas Legislative Session to develop an outcomes-based model to fund community colleges in Texas. HB 8 was based on recommendations laid out in the Texas Commission on Community College Finance 报告, submitted to state leaders in advance of the 88th legislative session.

The passage of this legislation and the allocation of $683 million in the state budget positions Texas as a national leader in tying funding for community colleges to measurable student-focused outcomes. 这些结果包括:

  • The number of credentials of value awarded, 包括徽章, 证书, 和学位, that position graduates for well-paying jobs.
  • Credentials of value awarded in high-demand fields where employers are looking for skilled employees.
  • Successful student transfers from community colleges to four-year universities.
  • Completion of a sequence of dual credit courses, which are offered to high school students and can set them on early pathways to success.

This legislation was signed into law in the Spring of 2023, emergency rules were drafted over the summer, and it went into effect on September 1, 2023. This year will see refinement of the rules for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, to best define credentials of value and high-demand fields at both state and regional levels. There will also be consideration of changing some of the processes and methodologies. Updates will come through the Coordinating Board meetings in April and July 2024. We will share progress here, especially as it relates to our community.

Other initiatives by the Coordinating Board to support talent development here in Texas are:

  • Talent Pipeline Initiative – Texas is using the US Chamber of Commerce framework to support broad-based partnerships and the creation of talent supply chains to help address regional workforce shortages. The Coordinating Board will provide statewide and regional data collection, 帮助进行景观分析, and suggest potential partners.
  • Opportunity High School Diploma – The Texas Workforce Commission is collaborating with the Coordinating Board and the Texas Education Agency in the design of a diploma awarded by a public community college to an adult (over age 18) student who is concurrently enrolled in a career and technical education program.
  • Career and Technical Education Stakeholder Workgroup – This group will provide input and feedback on agency processes and rules related to the approval and cataloging of courses and programs to align with HB8 and the new community college finance model.

The economic success of our region is closely tied to the quality of our regional talent pipeline, from early childhood through K-12 and higher education to a job or career. The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce will continue to advocate for our members and the local economy at all opportunities. If you would like to become involved in our efforts on education and the workforce, contact 凯蒂·费里尔.